Orangeville Elections PORTAL
This page contains quick facts about the most recent election, a breakdown of the votes for each position,
a detailed analysis of the voting behaviour as a whole, a countywide comparison and historical elections information. Enjoy!
star Overview Highlights to summarize the election.
verified Elected Officials
2022 Municipal Officials
Post, Lisa
Taylor, Todd
Deputy Mayor
Andrews, Joe
Macintosh, Andy
Prendergast, Tess
Sherwood, Debbie
Stevens, Rick
2022 School Board Officials
Manzerolle, Kenn - ACCLAIMED
Public School Board
Dametto-Giovannozzi, Paula
Catholic School Board
Lapointe, Eric
French Public School Board
Grenier, Genevieve
French Catholic School Board
people Candidates Candidates listed by position.
Name | Votes | Percentage (bar sizes are relative to the highest voted) |
2984 |
1804 |
839 |
277 |
Name | Votes | Percentage (bar sizes are relative to the highest voted) |
4727 |
1023 |
Name | Votes | Percentage (bar sizes are relative to the highest voted) |
3850 |
3481 |
3410 |
2968 |
2330 |
2146 |
2044 |
1800 |
993 |
975 |
Name | Votes | Percentage (bar sizes are relative to the highest voted) |
Name | Votes | Percentage (bar sizes are relative to the highest voted) |
2386 |
1210 |
1116 |
846 |
Name | Votes | Percentage (bar sizes are relative to the highest voted) |
709 |
298 |
Name | Votes | Percentage (bar sizes are relative to the highest voted) |
509 |
114 |
poll Voter Participation An analysis of the voter activity to better understand participation.
Of the 22,111 registered voters in Orangeville, 5,955 (26.9%) cast a ballot and voted and 16,156 (73.1%) did not.
Voter Turnout
Male Voter Turnout
This information is no longer available.
Female Voter Turnout
This information is no longer available.
Voting by Poll
Poll (all bars relative to largest poll turnout) | Patterson, Jeffrey Wallace | Post, Lisa | Reid, Kim | Williams, Jeremy |
Advance - Best Western | 354 Votes
86 | 185 | 20 | 63 |
Advance - Alder Rec Centre | 1094 Votes
317 | 607 | 38 | 132 |
Advance - Town Hall | 608 Votes
174 | 345 | 22 | 67 |
Best Western | 346 Votes
85 | 174 | 23 | 64 |
Alder Rec Centre | 898 Votes
322 | 413 | 32 | 131 |
Canadian Reformed Church | 212 Votes
92 | 86 | 11 | 23 |
Christian Reformed Church | 600 Votes
186 | 289 | 22 | 103 |
New Hope Community Church | 277 Votes
63 | 153 | 14 | 47 |
Orangeville Train Station | 684 Votes
215 | 310 | 49 | 110 |
Tony Rose Centre | 831 Votes
264 | 422 | 46 | 99 |
Total Votes | 1804 | 2984 | 277 | 839 |
Poll (all bars relative to largest poll turnout) | Castiglione, Trevor | Taylor, Todd |
Advance - Best Western | 347 Votes
83 | 264 |
Advance - Alder Rec Centre | 1070 Votes
160 | 910 |
Advance - Town Hall | 584 Votes
93 | 491 |
Best Western | 342 Votes
62 | 280 |
Alder Rec Centre | 885 Votes
163 | 722 |
Canadian Reformed Church | 205 Votes
34 | 171 |
Christian Reformed Church | 585 Votes
107 | 478 |
New Hope Community Church | 274 Votes
56 | 218 |
Orangeville Train Station | 660 Votes
130 | 530 |
Tony Rose Centre | 798 Votes
135 | 663 |
Total Votes | 1023 | 4727 |
Poll (all bars relative to largest poll turnout) | Andrews, Joe | Bond, Peggy | Butko, Ximena | Garisto, Nick | Jackson, James | Macintosh, Andy | Prendergast, Tess | Sherwood, Debbie | Spence, Grant | Stevens, Rick |
Advance - Best Western | 1473 Votes
227 | 140 | 102 | 139 | 60 | 200 | 163 | 240 | 62 | 140 |
Advance - Alder Rec Centre | 4445 Votes
694 | 350 | 319 | 364 | 163 | 638 | 546 | 744 | 154 | 473 |
Advance - Town Hall | 2478 Votes
413 | 188 | 164 | 178 | 95 | 394 | 317 | 412 | 90 | 227 |
Best Western | 1382 Votes
191 | 131 | 116 | 138 | 67 | 168 | 174 | 223 | 59 | 115 |
Alder Rec Centre | 3577 Votes
455 | 323 | 318 | 339 | 139 | 470 | 479 | 568 | 145 | 341 |
Canadian Reformed Church | 819 Votes
104 | 76 | 67 | 78 | 28 | 121 | 98 | 122 | 35 | 90 |
Christian Reformed Church | 2479 Votes
374 | 189 | 185 | 227 | 108 | 361 | 317 | 357 | 115 | 246 |
New Hope Community Church | 1191 Votes
153 | 119 | 86 | 116 | 51 | 163 | 133 | 194 | 58 | 118 |
Orangeville Train Station | 2768 Votes
372 | 261 | 196 | 283 | 143 | 384 | 315 | 438 | 112 | 264 |
Tony Rose Centre | 3385 Votes
498 | 267 | 247 | 284 | 139 | 511 | 426 | 552 | 145 | 316 |
Total Votes | 3481 | 2044 | 1800 | 2146 | 993 | 3410 | 2968 | 3850 | 975 | 2330 |
The absolute highest votes come from those in the 60s age group. The 20s and 30s age groups had the lowest relative turnouts.
Voting by Age
Male Voting by Age
This information is no longer available.
Female Voting by Age
This information is no longer available.
The number of advanced voters this elections was significantly higher at ~35% than the previous election at ~24%.
Advanced Voting
Advanced Voting
Areas 301-305 continue to have the better turnouts when compared to the rest of town.
Voter Regions
Voter Regions
compare_arrows Regional Comparison A comparison to surrounding municipalities.
2022 Election Turnouts
bar_chart In Dufferin County, election turnouts overall were lower than in previous elections. Also, lower turnout rates were generally experienced across Ontario.
history Elections History Participation through the years.
Historical Voter Turnout
bar_chart The 2022 turnout of 26.93% was the lowest of at least the last 6 elections back to 2003. It was lower in absolute numbers and relative turnout percentage.